You have never been taught to think.
Only TOLD to think.
Think about that.
Rather than being taught the skills and processes necessary to think critically and independently, we’re just told to think.
It’s like being given a map without ever being taught how to read it.
Be a non-conformist. Think!
Rich Carr
Just like a map is useless without the skills to read and interpret it, information is useless without the ability to think critically and evaluate it.
Consider how much of your thinking is influenced by others, whether it’s the media, your peers, or authority figures…not much of your thinking is really your own, and it is more a reflection of the views and opinions that have been handed down to you.
Ask yourself, “How would knowing how to think benefit me?”
People are beginning to understand that our culture values conformity over independent thought, compliance over thinking independently and critically.
Without the ability to think critically and independently, individuals struggle to analyze information, make informed decisions, or question the status quo.
It’s a bit unsettling to realize that you may not have been taught how to think, it’s also a chance to take control of your own thinking and become a more independent and effective thinker.
Thinkers are characterized by their curiosity, open-mindedness, and willingness to consider alternative viewpoints.
They are not afraid to challenge assumptions and biases, and are always seeking to expand their knowledge and understanding of the world around them.
In addition to being analytical and reflective, thinkers are often creative and innovative. They are able to generate new ideas and approaches, and are willing to take risks in pursuit of their goals.
They’re also the most valuable asset in any business, group or activity.
Or, you can simply accept information at face value without questioning it, rely on others to provide you with opinions and beliefs and how do that thing you do.
Like ‘laugh tracks’ on television shows…
Laugh. Here. That was funny.
Fun 😐 Sad.
Go ahead, be a non-conformist. Learn to think!
Question assumptions, Evaluate evidence, consider multiple perspectives, practice reflection, seek out challenges and realize this brain is an instrument you can learn and utilize for the things you naturally think of.
Thinking and communicating clearly is important because it helps you make good choices and solve problems.
When you can think carefully and talk with others, you can understand different ideas and make smart decisions.
We are drowning in information, and information is useless without the ability to analyze and interpret it.